Book a free consult with Jennifer

The Intersection of Intentional Productivity
+ Coffee + Child-free Living

Do Your Priorities Align with the Lifestyle and Business You Want?

Time Management isn’t about planning every moment of the day or hustling. It’s about the journey and enjoying life the way YOU want.​

What would you do with an extra 10+ hours each week?​

Downloadable Resources to
Streamline your Workflow

Unique Products to get Cozy and
Inspire Your Life-first Journey

Imagine what life can be like everyday...

Go from

  • Unorganized and not giving your clients 100%
  • Feeling restricted and unmotivated
  • Feeling guilty about not enough quality time with your loved ones
  • Not making the impact you want
  • Being cranky and groggy


  • Looking & feeling like the amazing business owner you are
  • Space for travel, hobbies, flexibility, and creativity
  • Being a bigger part of the cause(s) important to you
  • Making more memories with your partner, friends, or family
  • Having mental space for peace of mind
  • More restful sleep and naps

 I offer personalized support and guidance that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences, helping you achieve your objectives in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for you so you feel in flow and ease.

Finally be able to do whatever you want, when you want!

Hi, I’m Jennifer, the Productivity Coach/Consultant for Entrepreneurs & Creators

I’m a recovering procrastinator and wasn’t naturally organized, like you.

Before I dove into the productivity world, coffee was my jam for 12 whole years. I’m talking barista, manager, consultant – even ran my own coffee drive thrus! But here’s the kicker – I was a total mess when it came to staying organized. Procrastination was my middle name!
Starting that coffee biz (and dealing with chronic illness). That’s what finally got me to slow the hell down, create routines, and kickstart my whole productivity journey.
Who knew that brewing coffee would teach me so much about focus and intention?
The best part? This isn’t about speeding up or doing more shit.It’s about slowing down, being present, and finding joy in the process – whether you’re crafting the perfect pour-over or tackling your to-do list.
Whether you’re a coffee snob, a productivity newbie, an ambitious entrepreneur, or just someone looking to add a little more mindfulness to your day, I’ve got your back!