Time Management isn't about to-do lists, planning every moment of the day, or hustling. It's about the journey and enjoying life the way YOU want.

Hi, I’m Jennifer, the Productivity Consultant for Child-free Business Owners & Creators

What would you do with an extra 10+ hours each week?​

Do Your Priorities Align with the Lifestyle and Business You Want?

Purposeful Planning Group Program

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Imagine what life can be like everyday...

Go from

  • Unorganized and not giving your clients 100%
  • Feeling restricted and unmotivated
  • Feeling guilty about not enough quality time with your loved ones
  • Not making the impact you want
  • Being cranky and grogg


  • Looking & feeling like the amazing business owner you are
  • Space for travel, hobbies, flexibility, and creativity
  • Being a bigger part of the cause(s) important to you
  • Making more memories with your partner, friends, or family
  • Having mental space for peace of mind
  • More restful sleep and naps

 I offer personalized support and guidance that is tailored to your specific needs and preferences, helping you achieve your objectives in a way that feels authentic and sustainable for you so you feel in flow and ease.

Finally be able to do whatever you want, when you want!

Hi! I’m Jennifer Vaaler, your Productivity Coach & Consultant. Child-free by choice, chronic illness warrior, and best known for helping clients create their dream no-kid lifestyle.

I’m a recovering procrastinator and wasn’t naturally organized, like you.

While in an abusive relationship, I helped my neighbors get organized in their home businesses as a way to prioritize myself during that chaotic time. The neighbors encouraged me to pursue this as a new business.

Now, I teach child-free Business Owners intentional scheduling around priorities to focus on what matters most. Clients describe me as a non judgemental easy listener, who gives you the push you need and no sugar coating.

In my spare time, you can find me in the mountains with my partner, Kurt. Or at home gaming, watching movies, learning how to be more efficient, and cuddling my pet rabbit, Luna.

Fun Facts:

1) My first career was in the coffee industry over a decade and I owned/operated two coffee drive thru’s

2) I’ve traveled to eight countries and 1/3 of the USA