Is a word of the year necessary to suceed in your business? Read to find out! | #wordoftheyear #solopreneur #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #blogger #virtualassistant #solobusinessowner

It’s that time of year.  It seems like everyone is talking about their word of the year.

Maybe you’re curious about what it actually is.

Maybe you’re considering choosing a word yourself, but the anxiety of choosing one word to sum up an entire year can be a bit much.

In this article, I’ll explain what it is, the process of finding my word, and how you can too!

What is a “word of the year”?

This may mean different things to different people, but to me, a word of the year summarizes a theme and feelings I want to have for the year. This word will guide everything I decide to reach my goals. It helps me make sure I’m intentional with everything I do.

Is a word of the year necessary to succeed in your business?

I didn’t have a word of the year until 2019.

After a few months, a theme started to appear. Everything I was was going through and doing was personal growth in life and business. Whether it was therapy for PTSD, dealing with grief, having amazing opportunities, starting a new day job career that made me see the world differently, or reading a book that changed my life. They all came back to GROWTH.

Once I realized this, it was much easier to continue doing activities that aligned with this word. By the time 2019 ended, I was a new, better woman that I wanted to become.

So, is a word of the year necessary to succeed in your business?

Yes and no.

After working with clients and trying it myself, yes. Having a word of the year to stay focused has really helped us. This can be such an empowering exercise to help you get focused and gain clarity on what you really want to achieve in the year ahead.

The Simplified Office Word of the Year 2020 - ActionI’ve already chosen my word for 2020 – ACTION.

I chose this word because I want to take everything I learned and got clear on last year and take action on implementing all the content I consumed, do more collaborations, get consistent clients,  and blog more consistently.

This word is also helping be embrace the more difficult classes I’m taking this semester. The more tools available to my learning styles, the better I’ll do in class, as with business.

Were you already achieving your goals before creating a word of the year?

Then no, you really don’t need one.

The word of the year is a trend. A fun one at that, that makes you think and reflect. But, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have one. That’s ok.

If this is your first time picking a word of the year, don’t feel like you have to. Up until the past couple of years, plenty of people have been successful in their businesses without one. You can and will achieve your goals without one. Don’t ever let a word hold you back from reaching your goals.

Trend or not, it’s kinda fun to have.

How do you create a word of the year?

Ultimately, it comes down to your WHY and what goals you want to accomplish for the year. Based on those goals, what theme do you see? If one word doesn’t summarize the theme, try a phrase instead. Don’t force this. It’s a process. It’s ok to not have a word right away.

Don’t start with a word. If needed, go through Q1 to see if a theme appears. At the end of March, review and see if their words or phrases that seem to repeat? THAT is your “word/phrase of the year.” Another variation of this is to choose business keywords that you want to be known for this year.

See, it doesn’t have to be difficult, forced, or right away. 🙂 Let it come to you.


Grab my resources. You’ll find a workbook to help set your goals for 2020. Plus some other time management goodies.


Is a word of the year necessary to suceed in your business? Read to find out! | #wordoftheyear #solopreneur #smallbusiness #entrepreneur #blogger #virtualassistant #solobusinessowner

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