How a Child-free Productivity Coach can Help You Reach Your Goals

Not enough time? Then you may need a Productivity Coach. In this video I cover what they do and why you may want to hire one, especially as a child-free business owner.

Not enough time to do everything you actually want to do? Then you might need a Productivity Coach.

Hi I’m Jennifer, the time optimizer for child-free business owners. 

So if you want to get the right things done while joyfully ignoring the rest, then keep watching.

What IS a Productivity Coach?

A productivity coach is someone who helps you increase your overall productivity in both business and life and focuses on time management, habits, and behavioral change.

Through productivity coaching, a client works one-on-one with a coach and they unpack what’s already working, what isn’t working, what areas need to be improved. Any roadblocks, goals, and plans for improving the future. A productivity coach then helps the client implement new strategies and adopt new habits to increase productivity, while holding you accountable during each step of the process.

Who Should Hire a Productivity Coach?

Essentially, Productivity coaching can benefit anyone who wants to increase their productivity, whether you have major business aspirations or personal goals that require focused attention.

We’ve all been there. Life gets in the way or your to-do lists spiral out of control, leaving you overwhelmed and unsure how to get back on track. 

As far as who should hire a productivity coach, clients who get the most value from the journey are:

  • Struggling to manage their time effectively
  • Having difficulty prioritizing tasks
  • Finding it hard to stay focused and motivated
  • Facing challenges caused by procrastination or other habits
  • Don’t say no to things they don’t want to do

These are not quick and simple fixes. 

Challenges related to productivity ebb and flow, and they impact us at different and unpredictable times in our lives. It is not a solution that magically makes things better in a matter of days or weeks.

WHY do you need a Productivity Coach?

Imagine… You’ve been working with your Business Coach to build your business faster, but productivity is only a small piece of what they teach and the strategies can feel exciting, but overwhelming.

Business coaches have a model for you to follow. The return on investment can be very high, but only if you actually do what needs to be done. The work doesn’t do itself. 

You constantly need to be putting yourself out there, failing and trying again. 

If you haven’t figured out the piece on how to be productive before or while you’re in a business coaching program, you’ll probably end up failing and thinking that business is just not for you. When you actually haven’t been as productive as you could be if you had the strategies and action steps on how to make them happen.

A Productivity Coach specializes in turning your strategies and goals from your Business Coach, into small actionable steps that feel manageable. 

You’ll even get a new skill set that you can implement throughout your entire life!

Besides, *doing* more doesn’t necessarily mean you’re *achieving* more.

4 Ways a productivity Coach can help you…

Eliminate overwhelm

  • One of the biggest benefits of productivity coaching is that it will help you to identify and overcome obstacles that are preventing you from achieving your goals, like overwhelm.
  • They help you simplify your to-do list, so you have control of it, instead of your list controlling you. 
  • Help you plan your day effectively so you feel clear, calm, and more confident.
  • Eliminate wasted hours and spend more time working productively and efficiently.  When you eliminate wasted time and overwhelmed, you have more time to go after what you want.

Eliminate procrastination

  • If you struggle with procrastination and perfectionism, a Productivity Coach will help you eliminate procrastination so you can spend more time focused on your main priorities. 
  • They’ll help you identify and eliminate distractions, manage stress and prevent burnout. 
  • help you reduce busyness and distractions by helping you to prioritize activities that matters most to you. With questions like, what’s working, what’s not working, are you saying yes too much to everyone else, etc.

Achieve your goals faster 

  • Clarify your goals and priorities. If you don’t have the time to make progress on your goals, productivity coaching will help you eliminate the obstacles that hold you back from achieving your goals.
  • Clarify your vision and understand your strengths so you can spend more time doing what you’re best at and love to do.  By spending more time using your strengths, you can get more done in less time. We’ll help you understand your priorities and manage your time efficiently.
  • Work with you to set long-term and short-term goals 
  • Develop an action plan to achieve your goals.   

Increase productivity

  • This one is the most obvious but there’s more to it. 
  • Become more productive on the activities that move you closer to your goals.
  • Give you personal support and systems to create lasting change with your time discipline. They will also help you free up more time to work on the things that matter most
  • Get clear on the activities that produce the biggest results and the ones that don’t.  This clarity will help you be more efficient with your time so you can get more done, in less time.
  • Learn time management techniques and strategies to increase efficiency and productivity customized to work for YOU, not against you. We’ll explore your productivity and time management challenges, identify the biggest obstacles, and help you develop an action plan to overcome them.
  • Receive the tools and resources to make significant changes to the way you work. These tools help you implement and track your progress.

Lastly, a productivity coach can help you stay accountable and motivated, and monitor your progress over time, and make adjustments as needed.

How I’m different from other productivity coaches

  1. Like you, I wasn’t naturally good at this. I had to learn through trial and error, but you don’t have to.
  2. Specialize in child-free biz owners and empty nesters. This lifestyle is very different from everyone. Most tips out there focus on parents or the corporate world, but what about YOU? I help you get to know yourself enough to make decisions that tend to go against societal expectations.
  3. I focus on the foundations before getting into time management so you’re set up to succeed. I also help you manage your energy and have flexibility in your schedule
  4. You’re not a machine and I won’t treat you like one (no hustle, won’t force you to get up at 4am…), everything is customized to you
  5. I also touch on lifestyle in general. Life and biz are not always separated and your business needs to sustain the lifestyle you want.
  6. I don’t just Coach, I also Consult and have other resources to support you

Look, life and business is hard, but don’t have to do it alone.  Working with a productivity coach will help set you for more success, no matter your goals. 


CTA: Want to find out how I can support you as your child-free Productivity & Lifestyle Coach?

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