4 Ways Prioritizing Energy Management Leads to Greater Productivity

Here’s the deal: it’s not a competition.  Whether you’ve got kids or not, feeling tired, busy, and stressed is totally valid. We’re all dealing with our own shit, right? It took me having some serious health issues to realize how crucial energy management is. I hit a wall, and it was a wake-up call. But …

5 Productivity Lessons I Learned from the Coffee Industry

Buckle up, because I’ve got some exciting news that’s about to shake up your world in the best way possible. We’re diving headfirst into a delicious blend of productivity and coffee rituals. This isn’t your average “chug caffeine and conquer the world” bullshit. It’s about something way more intentional. Before I spill the beans on …

Title graphic for 8 habits to embrace your slow life: childfree edition. Jennifer is leaning against a tree overlooking the Appalachin mountains.

8 Habits to Embrace Your Slow Life Era: Childfree Edition

In a world that glorifies hustle we tend to get caught up in stuffing the day with as many tasks as possible. We rush from one task to the next, often forgetting to savor the moments that truly matter. As I dive further into my slow life era, I’m making a conscious effort to take …

You Don’t Need Everything Perfectly Planned to Start

Starting something new can be intimidating, especially when it feels like you don’t have all the answers or a detailed plan. But here’s the thing—waiting for the perfect moment or for everything to be meticulously planned can often lead to missed opportunities. Let’s chat about why diving in and taking action, even when things are …

Navigating Information and Idea Overload as a Childfree Entrepreneur

As a childfree entrepreneur do you feel like your brain never shuts off? You have so many notes and ideas, but don’t know where to start? Today, we’re going to talk about how to tackle that overwhelming feeling of having too many ideas and not knowing what to do with them.  From brainstorming new business …

11 Ways to Create Consistency in Your Childfree Business

Are you tired of hearing everyone talk about how important consistency is to success, yet no one really talks about HOW to get consistent? In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, staying consistent can feel like an uphill battle. I’m here to guide you through the journey of creating consistency without burnout. In …

Childfree Holiday Planning without Overwhelm

Feeling the holiday jitters already? You’re not alone. The festive season, while anticipated for its joy and merriment, can also spell out stress, especially for childfree entrepreneurs. In the midst of holiday shopping, festivities, and the hustle of daily life, finding time for family can become a complicated task. But fear not, because in this …