11 Ways to Create Consistency in Your Childfree Business

Are you tired of hearing everyone talk about how important consistency is to success, yet no one really talks about HOW to get consistent? In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, staying consistent can feel like an uphill battle. I’m here to guide you through the journey of creating consistency without burnout. In …

Childfree Holiday Planning without Overwhelm

Feeling the holiday jitters already? You’re not alone. The festive season, while anticipated for its joy and merriment, can also spell out stress, especially for childfree entrepreneurs. In the midst of holiday shopping, festivities, and the hustle of daily life, finding time for family can become a complicated task. But fear not, because in this …

Work Life Balance and 1 Thing to do Instead

Do you feel like you’re busy, but don’t feel like you accomplished anything and stay stuck in your business and life? I used to beat myself up when I wasn’t giving every aspect of my life the same amount of attention. It took a chronic illness and depression to realize that “balance” wasn’t real. In …

Planning Ahead for the Holidays as a Solo Business Owner

3 Reasons to Plan Ahead Your Holidays as a Solo Business Owner It’s finally October! Are you feeling anxious knowing the holidays are around the corner? You know how hectic the holidays can be. Between holiday shopping, festivities, and cooking on top of your already hectic life, it’s no wonder it’s easy to get frustrated, …

When Nothing Seems to Go To Plan In Your Business, Do This

Do you ever feel like nothing ever goes to plan? That no matter how much you plan and prepare, something always comes up? Maybe you’re not where you hoped to be in life right now.   Here’s the thing. That’s life. Things happen – tech issues, health issues, learning curves, opportunities, etc.

The Power of Planning with Chronic Illness, for Bloggers, Coaches & Virtual Assistants

I’m writing something different today.  It’s a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for awhile, and I’ve noticed that there are a lot more people in similar, unique, situations as me.  I’m not sure why, but for some reason I’ve been surprised about how many other entrepreneurs and business owners battle with mental health and …

How To Create a New Business Schedule for Back To School

  School is back in session. Your business hours may have been all over the place during summer festivities and getting back into the school routine can take a few days.   Now that you have had some time to get settled into your child’s routine, it’s time to find your stride in your business …