Productively Childfree

8 Habits to Embrace Your Slow Life Era: Childfree Edition

Title graphic for 8 habits to embrace your slow life: childfree edition. Jennifer is leaning against a tree overlooking the Appalachin mountains.

In a world that glorifies hustle we tend to get caught up in stuffing the day with as many tasks as possible. We rush from one task to the next, often forgetting to savor the moments that truly matter. As I dive further into my slow life era, I’m making a conscious effort to take each day at my own pace, savor the little moments, and prioritize my well-being.

Here’s 8 ways I’m embracing a slower, more mindful business and childfree lifestyle, and how you can too.

What IS a Slow Life?

This is something I was already doing and didn’t realize it until I saw the phrase start appearing around the pandemic.

Since everyone was stuck inside, more and more people were reconnecting with meaningful hobbies, nature and themselves. This gave everyone more time to reflect, the sudden shift to remote working, a lot of people reassessed what was truly important to them.

This also flowed into productivity for me. By being more intentional about what tasks I focused on and why. Putting boundaries in place, and figuring out how to build a business that worked more me, even when on bad chronic illness flare up days.

A more purposeful life that is sustainable.

“Slow living is all about creating time and space and energy for the things that matter most to us in life, so ask yourself what you stand to gain.”

~ Brooke McAlary

“Be a curator of your life. Slowly cut things out until you’re left only with what you love, with what’s necessary, with what makes you happy.”

~ Leo Babauta

Here’s 8 ways I’m embracing a slower, more mindful business and childfree lifestyle, and how you can too.

1. Savoring the Mornings

Mornings set the tone for the rest of the day. And no this doesn’t mean waking up at 5am to exercise and meditate, unless that works for you then go for it.

Instead of rushing as soon as I wake up, I take the time to enjoy it. Starting the day with a calm breakfast setup, a cozy cup of chai or coffee, and watching some of my favorite creators to pump me up for the day. Especially on those days I’m dragging to get going.

Savor your food, enjoy the warmth of the sun, and set a positive tone for the rest of the day. There’s nothing like beginning your morning without the usual rush. It’s a game-changer!

However, I am aware that if I go to a coffee shop first thing instead of making it at home, I have a much harder time getting into the groove as it disrupts my entire morning. When I don’t leave the house first thing of the day, I find it much easier to get into the flow and focused. So be aware of your own morning routine, no matter what time you wake up.

2. Reconnecting with Simple Pleasures

As we get so invested and passionate about or content and business, we often overlook the simple pleasures that bring us joy. For me, it’s reading and gaming. There’s something incredibly soothing about losing myself in a good book or game.

It’s easy to overwork, no matter how fun it is to work on the business.

These activities allow me to slow down, reflect, and recharge. They’re my little escapes, my moments of peace amidst the chaos.

3. Spending Time in Nature

Nature has a magical way of grounding us, bringing us back to the present.

Whether it’s a leisurely walk in the park, tending to my plants, or simply sitting outside and soaking in the fresh air, spending time in nature is a key part of my slow life era. It’s a gentle reminder to appreciate the beauty around us, to breathe deeply, and to live in the moment.

Since I don’t tolerate heat, I tend to be indoors more during the Summer, so I have to be careful. But during cooler days, I’m outside as much as my chronically ill body let’s me.

If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend finding a green space near you and just being there. When I can’t make it to the mountains as often as I’d like, I cruise over to one of my local parks.

4. Choosing Moments of Calm Over Chaos

In a society that glorifies busyness, choosing calm can be a radical act. You’re childfree so what’s one more thing that goes against societal expectations?

I make a conscious effort to incorporate moments of calm into my day, whether it’s enjoying a my favorite coffee that week, napping, or simply sitting quietly for a few minutes.

When you’re completely overwhelmed, sometimes it’s best to take a step away, decompress and clear your head, then go back to “it” with a clear head. Hell, even a good cry if needed. It certainly helps when I do them.

These small moments are my way of reclaiming peace and balance, of saying no to the chaos and yes to tranquility. And the best part? You can do it too, anytime, anywhere.

5. Prioritizing Mental and Physical Well-being

Well-being is at the heart of a slow life.

For me, this means resting as needed, going to therapy, and being in nature regularly. These practices not only keep me physically active but also help to calm my mind and center my thoughts.

Prioritizing my mental and physical well-being ensures that I have the energy and clarity to enjoy life fully. It’s about creating a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit, and it’s something I encourage everyone to explore. Do what works best for you.

6. Creating a Sanctuary at Home

Our environment plays a significant role in how we feel. I’ve made it a priority to create a home and office space that feels like a sanctuary.

This includes decluttering (I purged 80%of my stuff at one point) and getting organized. Adding cozy elements like fluffy blankets, candles and natural lighting, comfortable seating. Adding personal touches, and creating spaces that creates inspiration, relaxation and comfort.

A peaceful, inspiring home environment supports a slower, more mindful lifestyle. Your home should be your haven, a place where you can unwind and truly be yourself, not want to escape from.

7. Embracing Holistic and Sustainable Productivity

One of the key aspects of my slow life era is embracing holistic and sustainable productivity. This is the style of productivity I’ve come to realize I teach clients.

This means focusing on quality over quantity, setting realistic goals, and finding your version of balance between work and rest. It’s about being productive in a way that feels good without burning out. Imagine achieving your goals without the stress and exhaustion because you know the important things to focus on, and create space and structure that allows for life to happen.

It’s possible, and it’s incredibly rewarding.

This means putting boundaries in place, only saying yes to things and people who are align with your goals and values,

8. Finding Joy in the Present

Ultimately, the slow life is about finding joy in the present moment. It’s about appreciating the little things, taking time for ourselves, and creating a life that feels meaningful and fulfilling.

As I continue on this journey, I’m excited to see how these changes will enrich my life and bring more calm and joy into my days. And I hope you’ll join me on this journey, finding your own ways to slow down and savor life.

Join Me on This Journey

Are you ready to embrace your slow life era? I’d love to hear about your experiences and the steps you’re taking to slow down and savor life. Share your thoughts and practices in the comments below, and let’s inspire each other to live more mindfully.

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Connect with Me

Stay connected and join me on this journey to a slower, more intentional life. Follow me on Instagram and subscribe on YouTube for inspiration and tips on holistic and sustainable productivity, mindful childfree living, and self-care. Together, we can create a community that values calm over chaos and well-being over busyness.

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