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4 Ways Prioritizing Energy Management Leads to Greater Productivity

Here’s the deal: it’s not a competition. 

Whether you’ve got kids or not, feeling tired, busy, and stressed is totally valid. We’re all dealing with our own shit, right?

It took me having some serious health issues to realize how crucial energy management is. I hit a wall, and it was a wake-up call. But here’s the thing—you don’t have to burn out or get sick to start focusing on your energy. I learned this the hard way, and I don’t want you to go through that.

As a productivity consultant specializing in time freedom and intentional living, I’ve seen firsthand how managing your energy can transform your life. Let’s dive into why focusing more on energy than time can be a game-changer for your life and business.

Energy Management > Time Management

Let’s talk about why managing your energy is way more important than just watching the clock. I’m gonna show you how this approach can help you be more productive without feeling like you’re constantly racing against time.

You know how our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day? That totally affects how focused and motivated we feel. The usual time management advice tries to cram us into a strict schedule—like we’re robots or something. But guess what? We’re human!

A lot of people tend to focus mainly on physical energy—like getting enough sleep and exercise—but they often overlook emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. Each type plays a crucial role in how productive we can be. If we only pay attention to physical energy, we might miss out on tapping into our full potential.

Why Energy Matters

Here’s why focusing on energy is key:

1. Quality Over Quantity: When you’ve got high energy, you can do more in less time.

2. Better Focus: High energy means better concentration—so you finish tasks faster.

3. Boosted Creativity: When you feel good mentally, ideas and problem-solving becomes easier.

4. Less Procrastination: You’ll be less likely to put things off when you’re energized.

5. Sustainable Productivity: Keeping your energy in check helps you stay productive long-term without burning out.

 Understanding Your Energy Types

To really get the hang of energy management, it helps to know that their are actually 4 types of energy that impact our productivity:

1. Physical Energy: This is all about how your body feels and moves. It’s the foundation for other types of energy and involves aspects like sleep, nutrition, exercise, and overall physical health.

2. Mental Energy: Think of this as your brainpower for tackling tasks. This is about your cognitive function and capacity for intellectual work. It includes your ability to focus, think clearly, solve problems, and be creative. Like, when I have brain fog, that automatically lets me know to eat, drink water, and go lay down for a couple hours. My brain won’t work, words are hard, and processing what others say is very difficult.

3. Emotional Energy: This is how well you handle and express your feelings. It involves regulating your feelings, maintaining a positive outlook, being grateful, and building resilience. Besides going to therapy, healing your trauma, and having a good cry, it’s perfectly ok to feel the feels. Please don’t let yourself spiral though. 

This happens when you stay in negative mode too long. Instead, I have a moment, then go into solution mode, ready to tackle whatever is going on with a clearer head.

4. Spiritual Energy: It’s about your sense of purpose and connection to what matters to you. Whatever that looks like for you. It’s about having clarity on why you do what you do. Even when you don’t feel like you have or need a purpose, simply existing and being yourself is enough. I learned that the hard way after my mom passed.

 Finding Your Best Times

Most people have a few hours each day when they feel super energized. If you can line up your important tasks with those peak times, you’ll get way more done in less time!

 3 ways to start Shifting Your Mindset

Ready to switch gears? Here are some simple steps:

1. Do an Energy Audit: Journal and track how your energy feels throughout the day for a week.

2. Be Flexible: Don’t stress if plans change based on how you’re feeling.

3. Celebrate Wins: Reward yourself for small accomplishments to keep motivation high.

For example, if mornings are your jam, tackle those hard tasks then! If you’re more of an afternoon person, save the heavy lifting for later in the day. The goal is to sync up what you need to do when you feel good doing it.


Look, you don’t have to wait until you’re burned out or facing health issues to start managing your energy. I wish I had known this sooner! By tuning into our natural rhythms and recognizing all four types of energy—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—we can get more done without feeling like we’re constantly racing against the clock.

Switching from time management to energy management can seriously change the game for anyone looking to boost productivity and happiness at work (or in life!). It’s not just for people who are struggling—it’s for anyone who wants to work smarter, not harder.

So, have you tried this whole energy management thing? Are you ready to give it a shot? I’d love to hear what you think.

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